Friday 13 November 2009

Women began to smoke twice less

The Supreme Rada has decided to raise excise rates on tobacco products. The pack of cigarettes ”Priluki especial” in November rises in price on 2,5 грн, ”the Tonic Lux” — on 2,25 грн, "Three" — 2,6 грн, "Monte-Carlo" — 3 грн, "Glamour" and "Kemel" — 4 грн.
— Ukrainians pass to cheaper cigarettes which illegally import from Russia and Moldova, — the general director of association "Укртютюн" of Valentine Homenko speaks. — And our companies start to turn off programs on modernisation of manufacture and plan staff reduction.
The excise on tobacco for the first time this year have lifted in May. The pack of cigarettes then has risen in price on 1,25–3 грн. In October and September of the price for cigarettes manufacturers lifted. As a result because of falling of demand for tobacco its manufacture in Ukraine in 2009 was reduced to 20 %.
At the same time the volume of illegal import of cheap cigarettes grows, manufacturers confirm. This year have withdrawn illicit tobacco production on 1,82 million грн — in 26 times more, than for the similar period of last year. And this with the fact that catch approximately the tenth part of the illegal goods.
But customs officers draw other picture. Actually contraband from Ukraine take out to four – six times of cigarettes more than import.
— Manufacture of cigarettes in Ukraine in 2,5 times exceeds home market capacity, — 34-year-old Svetlana Sudak from the State customs press-service explains. — in Europe the prices for cigarettes at 10-12 time above, than at us. Therefore Ukraine among leaders of suppliers of illicit tobacco products in the European Union. And manufacturers preliminary put an illicit component in manufacture.
— World experience testifies that increase of the price of cigarettes for 20 percent above a rate of inflation leads to that 5 percent of smokers give up smoking. But it is not enough these actions for overcoming mass tobacco окуре I, — tells 24-year-old Alexander Ustinova from a coalition of public organisations ”For free Ukraine from a tobacco smoke”. — Are necessary to smoke prohibition in public places, medical institutions and trains, assignment of half of areas of institutions of a food for the non-smoking. In Ukraine something do. In 2005 smoked 42 percent of Ukrainians, now — 31. Among women smoking level has fallen twice.
According to a coalition, every fifth Ukrainian teenager daily begins to smoke a cigarette. Annually 100 thousand Ukrainians die of tobacco.

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