Friday 20 November 2009

Winston Cigarettes

Starting sigret Winston from the very beginning, ie since the 1950s was accompanied by the slogan: «Winston tastes good like a cigarette should», translated: "Every good taste of cigarettes should be a cigarette Winston». The creators of these cigarettes lot of good came up. From a corporate legend is one of the top managers, resting in Switzerland, brought the idea to release in the U.S. filter cigarettes. Name must shtetl Winston cigarettes Winston-Salem in North Carolina.
In the early 1950's Edward Darr, one of the bosses of the American tobacco corporations R. J. Reynolds, returning from a trip to Switzerland, and colleagues struck a story about the unprecedented popularity there of filter cigarettes. Colleagues decided that the States, where such cigarettes was not known, they could become a godsend, and to start probing the market. The study found that Americans like cigarettes may have demand - it is only necessary to calculate their strength so that the filter did not cause a sensation of weakness tobacco smoker. Was tested more than 250 species of specially designed filter cigarettes - one of them and have chosen Winston, who even today are made on the basis of 100-percent natural tobacco bags. The name of their cigarettes must shtetl Winston-Salem in North Carolina - Winston-Salem in North Carolina
In April 2008, JTI submitted a novelty cigarette Winston Premier, a feature of the filter with longitudinal ribbed surface. Average price will be 40 rubles per pack.
Going back to history. When the Winston cigarette manufacturers have made the slogan «What do you want, good grammar or good taste?», », Translated:" What do you want? Good grammar or good taste? ", Winston cigarettes soared to the top line of popularity. The first nine months of the campaign has sold 6.5 million units Winston, and in 1956 he became the best cigarette brand with sales of 31 billion pieces. At the same time controversial slogan put on music and began playing on the radio and then television. Appeared animated movie with dancing treble clef. Ten years later, Winston became the best selling cigarettes in the United States. And since 1967, with the appearance of an elongated version of the Winston 100 mm, fans had become even more.

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