Tuesday 13 October 2009

List of products that help quit smoking

American specialists at Duke University, North Carolina, came to the conclusion that there are a number of products that improve the taste of tobacco, and those who, conversely, degrade it, thereby interrupting a man's desire to smoke another cigarette. The views of two hundred heavy smokers was as follows.
19% of respondents indicated that they want less smoking after dairy products. Cigarette, which followed the drunk a glass of milk, will not cause pleasant sensations. Those who quit smoking, say, one effective way to help you give up bad habits: cigarette, moisten with milk, dried and then smoked. The feeling of bitterness is so vile that you may be sick. Every time before the next regular dose of nicotine in the memory will automatically emerge discomfort, and you think seriously about whether to do it.
Approximately 16% of respondents do not like the taste of cigarettes after eaten fruits, vegetables, greens. Especially after celery, asparagus, beans, cucumbers, zucchini and eggplant. By reducing the consumption of fats, alcohol, pickles and pickles, these products reduce nicotine dependence. Avoid sugary to fruits and vegetables. Despite the positive effect of sweet food (which is on the hormonal level increases quickly dulls the mood and feeling of hunger), it resembles the bomb. After some time, activates the reward center, and the body begins to demand pleasures, including cigarette. You ask, what fruit is? Acid - apples, kiwis, plums, pears. It does not combine them with other food, and eat before the main dishes.
Until you decide what products remain in their diets and reduce consumption of what we offer to collect cigarette butts in a glass jar of cigarettes smoked per day, day, week ... It is possible that looking at this unpleasant sight, your desire to end the harmful habit strengthened .
About 14% of respondents agreed that they do not like the taste of nicotine after drinking water and juice. These fluids not only help the body cleanse itself of nicotine, but also "give" you the unpleasant feeling when smoking cigarettes.
At the same time, more pleasure from the process of smoking has alcohol. So say 44% of respondents. It really improves the taste of cigarettes. Coffee, cola and tea indicated 45%, meat - 11%. By the way, on coffee from scientists have several ideas. They believe that the link between smoking and coffee consumption has a reflex character, far-fetched. Because you want to smoke after coffee immediately, while the concentration of caffeine in the blood is achieved only half an hour. So after taking caffeine in pill you are unlikely to want to smoke.

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